Dress Code and Handbook

Dress Code:

Every student has a personal responsibility to be in complete uniform and well groomed each day. St. Agnes hopes to encourage pride on the part of the student in her appearance and develop a businesslike approach to school. It is also the intention to represent the image of the school to the outside community in a positive manner. 

Students are required to adhere to the following dress code:

  • Uniform skirt or uniform pants (when Permitted)
  • Uniform shirt--No T-shirt or turtle neck shirt may be worn under the school shirt 
  • Uniform sweater or Seniors uniform fleece shirt
  • Skirts are to be a presentable length for school. They may not be rolled up at the waist.
  • The School shoes must be worn at all times-either the loafer or lace shoe, whichever you choose.
  • Dark stockings are required; black, charcoal gray, navy tights or dark knee socks must be worn. Fish net and patterned stockings are not permitted. Students are to arrive, remain, and leave in the school uniform/dress code.

Student Appearance:

Students' appearance should be that of a business woman. Students will not be permitted to have trendy haircuts, hair colors, makeup, piercings or tattoos that take away from the professional academic setting. Students' appearance should be natural and age appropriate. The Administration reserves the right to deem what is considered appropriate.

Students should follow there rules:
  • Natural hair colors only. The following colors (including but not limited to) are strictly prohibited: blue, pink, green, orange, burgundy, grey, bright red, etc. The administration will determine if a color is appropriate for the academic environment. 
  • Haircuts should be professional at all times. No saved heads or buzz cuts are permitted. 
  • No headwear is permitted in class. This includes but is not limited to hats, bandanas or tiaras.
  • No visible body piercings (ex. eyebrows, lips, nose, tongue, etc.) except for earrings. No more than two pairs of hearing may be worn. Earrings should be small in size, no larger than a quarter.
  • Students may not wear more than two bracelets per wrist.
  • Students are to wear natural makeup only. Trendy lip and eye shadow colors such as blue, green, purple, bright red, etc. will not be permitted.
  • No visible tattoos. 
On days that uniforms are not required, it is expected that each student will select attire which will not call attention to her in a negative way. Judgement concerning the appropriateness of any student's attire rests with the administration.
School Uniform Company